Gmail and Google Drive


Each group gets one email account as standard. This account is accessed through Gmail just like your University account is - go to and sign in with your email and password.

We recommend that all your signatories (usually Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer) sign in to your group's email and check it regularly, though you can share it with other committee members if it's useful.

YUSU staff and other student groups will only ever contact you on your email, so make sure you check it regularly! We recommend at least one committee member adds it to their phone.

If you forget the password to this account, contact your link staff member from your University email and they can reset it.

Additional Accounts

Each group gets one email as standard, but we can set up extra accounts for your group if it's useful. For example, some clubs have a separate email for their welfare contact, or a dedicated email for planning a specific event that's accessed by other members of the committee.

Do note that, while we can set up an email for a committee role, we can't set up named emails for individual members. For example, we could create, but not (even if Joe is the welfare officer).

If this would be useful, fill out this form and we'll be in touch.

Please do not use accounts for your group's activities. This is a violation of our data protection policy. Instead, please request an additional email. If you already have an external email, let us know on the form and we can help you with moving it over.

Google Drive

Your email also has access to Google Docs and Drive, Google's cloud file storage service.

Your group's Google Drive is a safe place to store documents you use to run your group, including student data (as long as it's deleted when it's no longer needed).

We also recommend storing documents like your group's committee handovers in your group's drive to ensure that future committees have access to them.

By default each account has 50GB of Drive storage, but if you need more, email with the details (how much you need and why) and we can increase it.

Shared Drives

One very useful feature of Google Drive is shared drives. Shared drives let you organise your group's files and manage access without having to deal with individual shared folders.

Each shared drive has 15GB of storage initially, but if you need more, email with the details (how much you need and why) and we can increase it.

You can also add non-YUSU accounts (for example UoY accounts) to a shared drive. For example, if you need to share files with all your committee members, we recommend creating a shared drive from your account and inviting their accounts.


Contact your link staff member or our IT Team (