Useful Contacts in YUSU

As a student group leader, there are lots of people whose job is to help enable you to run your group. Familiarise yourself with these contacts so you know who to speak to if you have a question!

Activities Officer

Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator

The Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator is Jasmine Pledger. She is here to support you with the operational management and administration of your student group or if you want to raise funds for your project. She can help with your project queries and can direct you to the best person to speak to with your problem. She is contactable at

Community Manager

The Community Manager is Connor Briggs. He manages the Community Team in YUSU and is also the Safeguarding Lead in the Organisation for Volunteering Projects. For any Safeguarding related queries, you can contact Connor on

Other Useful Contacts

YUSU Finance

Got questions relating to your accounts, making a claim, or paying an invoice? Contact

IT Team

Having trouble with the website? Email and they'll be able to assist you.

Health and Safety

Need help with your risk assessment, insurance, or ensuring your event is safe to run? Speak to Geoff at

Event Planning

​​​​​​​Got an idea for an event and need some advice on getting it going? Have a chat with Dan, our Events Coordinator, at

A full list of YUSU Staff  can be found here.