Event Management Forms (EMFs) 

What are EMFs? When do we need to submit these?

Event Management Forms (EMFs) are our way to inform the University about an event that is occurring on campus, and this form is accessed by multiple departments at the University such as security, portering, catering etc. EMFs should be submitted if you are hosting a special event

EMFs need to be submitted at least 21 days in advance, to ensure that all departments have enough time to approve your event. Failure to do so could result in your event being rejected. 

Event Management Form: Guide

Do not enter N/A or 'none', for any unrequired sections, as this will pass the form onto departments who do not need to approve this - just leave them blank. Only fill in the sections that you need to ensure a speedy approval process!

Basic Details 

Event Organiser: 

[Name of Student Group] 

Are you?: 

YUSU/ YUSU Led-Event and YUSU Ratified Society OR YUSU/ YUSU Led-Event and relevant College Committee 

(you must select ‘YUSU/Student-led event’ first or it will not be signed off by the right stakeholders and therefore not covered under our insurance)

Contact Details: 

We would prefer your society’s email address, as long as this is checked regularly. The phone number needs to be that of the event organiser; it will need to be available during the event.

Event Description: 

Do not worry about this being too long. Include the requirements for setting up your event, what will happen during the event itself, who will attend (students/public), the activities which will take place, any catering arrangements you have, whether it’s a cultural or religious event, and what will be required to pack up afterwards. Be as detailed as possible.

Nominated Responsible Person:

This is the person who will be in charge during the event; it should be their mobile number in the contact details, and ideally they are filling out the EMF.

Event Date

The date your event will take place.

Start Time

The time that your event will begin. Do not include setting-up time in this.

Finish Time

The time that your event will finish. Do not include pack-down time in this.


Select the general area of campus from the dropdown list.

Specific Rooms/Area Required

State the room you have booked for your event. Please note: You need to book your room before filling out the EMF. An EMF does not constitute a room/space booking.

Maximum No. Attending

This is the maximum number of guests you are able to have at your event. Please note: this number must not exceed the amount of tickets you are able to sell, or the capacity of the room you have booked.

Publicity, Tickets and Admissions

Publicity Arrangements

State how you are going to publicise the event.

Admission Arrangements

State how people will gain access to your event. For example: Selling tickets in advance; first-come-first-served ticket sales on the door; just let people in until you reach capacity

Ticket Price

If you’re selling tickets, how much will they cost? Include any different price categories.

Ticket Availability

Who can buy tickets? Are they only for society members, or can all students or members of the public attend?

Event Set Up and Clear Up

Preparation Time

By Start write the time you’ll need access to the room to begin setting up. By Finish, write the starting time of your event. 

Additional Building / Areas Required

List any additional rooms, buildings, or areas you need to use for the event that haven’t already been mentioned.

Temporary Structures

State whether you are using any temporary structures, and if so, what they are.

Parking Facilities

State whether you require any, and if so, how much and where.

Loading / Unloading Facilities

State whether you require any, and if so, where.

Estates Requirements

Please ensure that you contact the Rapid Response Team in advance before submitting your application, so that they are aware of your event and any requirements you may have. Make sure to ask then how long they will need to set up and pack down, this will make your EMF a lot easier to fill out! 

Dismantling/cleaning time

If you need the Rapid Response Team to rearrange setup for you, please discuss with Rapid Response what setup/ packdown you will need. Please contact your link staff member or Geoff at g.ward@yusu.org if you need any help! 

Bars and Entertainment

Music Arrangements

State whether you are having a live band or any pre-recorded music.

Catering Arrangements

Only fill in this box if you are using Cucina or other external caterers.

Bar Arrangements

If you’re using one of the campus bars, please state what you require from them. Ensure you have booked this venue via the Booking Enquiry Form (and received booking confirmation) before completing an EMF.

Bar Times

If you’re using a campus bar, please state the times between which you will require it.

AV Arrangements

Please state whether you require the use of any Audio/Visual equipment (we recommend that you contact TechSoc first before AV!). This includes projectors, wireless microphones, etc. If you do, please state the date and times you require the specific pieces of equipment.

Special Effects

Please state whether you are planning to use any special effects, and if so, what they are.

Security and Welfare

Security Arrangements

Leave this blank.

Portering Requirements

Do you need anything to be set up in the room beforehand? If so, state exactly what you will need to do in advance. If you are using Central Hall, you will require two porters from 6pm to midnight. Please state the dates you will require them. 

First Aid Arrangements

All porters are first aid trained, so generally you will not require first aid arrangements. However, if you are holding a big event you may need to arrange specific first aid. In this instance contact Geoff at g.ward@yusu.org who will be able to advise.


Generally campus is relatively accessible, but let us know if you need anything specific.

Insurance Arrangements

Select YUSU; ratified societies are covered by our insurance. 

Policy Number and Expiry Date

Leave this blank.

External Speakers

An external speaker is classed as anyone who is coming to speak at an event who is not a student or University or YUSU member of staff.

External Speaker

Select whether or not your event involves an external speaker.

Speaker Details

If so, provide their full name and contact details.

Speaker Status

State what their role is (e.g. MP for York Central or Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leeds).

Subject of Event / Meeting

Tell us what subject the speaker is going to discuss, providing as much detail as possible.

Special Meeting Status

Select Yes if your speaker may be discussing something contentious, or if what they say could cause a heated debate. If you’re not sure, contact Geoff at g.ward@yusu.org

Please note: We are not going to stop them from speaking, as long as adequate time has been given for us to review the speaker. However, it is important that we are aware, and we may need to arrange for security.

What happens next?

Your EMF will be signed off by a number of departments before approval, for the sections that you have put information in. The sign-offs are by the following: 

Stage 1

YUSU Health and Safety (1) for any student led event (including JCR/CSA events)

Stage 2

Porters (2), Security (3), and any other University departments (e.g. Audio-Visual or Estates)

Stage 3

The Facilities Manager (4) of the area

Stage 4

University Health and Safety (5)

Stage 5

Finally, sign off from Information Centre (6) who then email the final document to all parties and anyone who may be affected by the event