What is YUSU RAG?

YUSU Raising and Giving (RAG) refers to all of the fundraising across the Union, whether that's a sports club raising money for new equipment, or a society fundraising for charity, but is led and supported by the elected RAG Officer(s) and committee.

RAG Officer and RAG Committee

Each year, YUSU holds elections where students can run for full-time sabbatical positions and part-time positions. 1 or 2 students can run for the YUSU RAG Officer role. 

Once the RAG Officer is elected, a RAG Committee is recruited who will host fundraising events across the year, promote international treks and challenges and support student fundraising.

Applications are currently open for members of the 2023/2024 RAG Committee, you can apply here.

RAG Committee 2023/2024

RAG Officer - Ellen Rintoul

Activities Officer - Anna Njoroge

Secretary - Vacant

Treasurer - Vacant

Head of Events - Vacant

Events Officer - Vacant

Events Officer - Vacant

Colleges Liaison Officer - Vacant 

Charities Liaison Officer - Vacant

RAG Beneficiaries

Each year, YUSU RAG open applications for charities to apply to become a beneficiary, which is a charity partner for the next academic year.

The 2022/2023 charity partner s IDAS. They're a specialist charity supporting and accommodating victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence.


Want to get involved in YUSU RAG?

Get in touch with Ellen, YUSU RAG Officer or the rest of the RAG Committee on any of the YUSU RAG Social media platforms or via email (rag@yusu.org) to discuss any opportunities or how you could get involved with events and activities RAG are running this year.

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