
All groups have at least 2 accounts with the Finance Office. All of these accounts are managed by the YUSU Finance Team. Any questions related to student group finances should be directed to them at

Own Funds

All groups have an Own Funds account. This is where all your membership money goes, as well as anything you gain through fundraising, sponsorship, or ticket sales for events. You can spend this amount on anything that benefits your members or is relevant to project activities. Funds carry forward each year.


If you fit the criteria your group will also hold a Grant account. When you apply for a YUSU grant, you ask for a specific amount of money to be spent on particular items or activities. If you’re successful in your application, your grant money will go into this account. This must be spent by the end of the academic year in which you receive it; if not, it will be reclaimed by YUSU and reinvested.

Managing Your Accounts on the Member Dashboard

Signatories can view information about their project's accounts through the Member Dashboard, as detailed in the ‘Member Dashboard’ section of this handbook. Log in via the YUSU website and navigate to the Finance tab, where you’ll find the following pages:

Finance Dashboard

This page shows you basic information about your accounts, including a basic total of all the money available across your accounts. If you have both an Own Funds and a Grant account, it will add the funds in both together to give you this total. Underneath, you will also see records of any Purchase Requests you’ve made through the system.


This section will show a more detailed breakdown of your accounts. You’ll see the total balance across all your accounts, and the date that the details were last updated. Below this you’ll see a section called Nominal Breakdown of Balance. If your group has multiple accounts, here you’ll see how much is in each of these accounts separately. Below this you’ll see a record of transactions made into and out of your group accounts. If you have a grant account, the number in the Nominal column will tell you whether it’s from your Own Funds (2050) or your Grant account (2000).



YUSU Finance Team -

Jasmine Pledger, Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator -