Events, Health and Safety

This section is mostly geared towards running your group’s activities and events - whether one-off or regular. All of the below applies to any group-led activity.

If you’re taking over a project from a previous committee, you might have a pretty strong idea of how your group's activities need to run. You may have attended regularly yourself, and/or your outgoing committee should have provided you with a handover outlining the different processes and steps to making the sessions happen.

However, we have found that many essential aspects of event planning slip through the cracks, particularly when it comes to Health & Safety requirements. Although these may seem tedious, they are essential to ensuring your activities are insured and safe for your members. 

Use the links below to navigate through each section, for walkthroughs on how to book rooms or complete Event Management Forms, as well as information on how to make your activities and events inclusive and accessible.


Jasmine Pledger, Student Citizenship and Employability Development Coordinator -

Geoff Ward, Health and Safety Development Coordinator -

Events Team -